
Friday, November 22, 2013

Five on Friday

TGIF!  Friday, I've been looking forward to seeing you ALL week!  Excited for my favorite blog post of the week where I link up with Christina, Darci, Natasha & April!  It's a whole lotta random up in here today, y'all!

{1} Fresh Brown Sugar Body Cream.  This dry weather is killing my hands--that and the constant hand washing to keep the sickness away!  I have been using this amazing lotion to keep the reptile skin far, far away

{2}  This.  Have you ever seen such a mean mug on a dog before?!  She was SO not ready to get out of bed

{3} I'm gonna go ahead and add this lounge tunic from Loft on to the always-growing birthday/Christmas wish list.  I'll need it to go with those nasty temps we're getting...

{4}  Let's go ahead and give a big thumbs-down to the weekend temps here.  A high of 28 on Sunday.  A HIGH?!  Boo.

{5}  I saw this print from The Every Girl on Pinterest.   I'm pretty sure I need it hanging in my house.

I'm looking forward to a weekend of relaxation, blog reading and indoor warmth ;)  I may even turn on the {fake} fireplace...stay tuned via Instagram @amparsons29


  1. That lotion looks amazing!! I love that Loft tunic! Anything I can wear with leggings I'm sold! Yikes that's cold! Our weather is so crazy here. It's 77 today but then 42 on Sunday?!! That's the south for ya! Have a great weekend!

    1. That lotion is amazing! It soaks right in & doesn't feel greasy at all!!

  2. We are still in the 80s here in FL! I would give anything to have cooler temps and have this weather make me feel more in the Christmas spirit :) Well and to wear warmer clothes and boots! Happy Friday!

  3. We have that duvet cover. :) The up and down weather is so annoying! Just pick a season already, Mother Nature!

    1. you're right...the weather is annoying!! And I love the PB duvet cover--great minds think alike ;)

  4. love that pup pic. and the tunic is my jam!! stripes plus being a long, comfy shirt. yes please!

    1. that pretty much sums up my non-work "uniform" ;)

  5. haha poor pup! I'll have to try that lotion, I'm in need of something new!

  6. My hands, especially my cuticles, have gotten so dry lately! Time for lotion!

    1. It's so awesome! You won't be sorry if you pick some up!

  7. Oh I "need" that tunic!!! Thanks for sharing :) Stay warm friend!

    1. I "need" it too--along with the 50 other things in that store ;)

  8. Hi Ashley! So glad to find your blog! Love your list...I might have to get that tunic:)

  9. I love Fresh lipgloss, didn't know they had body cream! Pretty much anything from Loftis great, I'm asking for a gift card for Christmas because I can never make up my mind.

  10. Haha -that dog's face cracks me up! Kinda looks like me in the mornings :)

  11. I have dry hands so badly now. I blame it on the weather + hand washing. Also, cold weather is the worst. Currently under multiple blankets as it was truly cold outside today.
