
Monday, November 4, 2013

Liebster Award

First, thank you SO MUCH to Melissa for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  If you have not checked out Simply Sweet Melissa, please do.  She's precious!  I read so many different blogs, and I truly enjoy getting to know more about the great girls behind the blog!  So here are my answers to this fun little award that has been floating around blog land...

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions given by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers and give them questions to answer.

Melissa's Questions for me:

1. What is your favorite childhood book?

If you give a pig a pancake!  And it actually came out when I was middle school...but I LOVE it!  I always wanted a pet pig growing up {and never had one, for obvious reasons}  That little pig is so darn cute, and it *might* just bring a little tear to my eye.  I know...big nerd!

2. How would you describe your style?
Ha!  Clothing style?  Dressed up casual.  I am a jeans girl!  Decorating style, I'd say I have a little more of that.  I really gravitate towards Rustic Modern.  Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn on a budget.

3. What is your favorite season (Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall)?
That's a toss up.  I really love all of them for so many different reasons!  I'm feeling overly sentimental today, so I'll go with Spring.  My sweet Nanny used to say every.single.year. when the Dogwoods and daffodils would bloom "Heaven must look like Virginia in the Spring"  and I always think of her once things start blooming :)

4. What is the one piece of jewelry you cannot live without?
My engagement ring and wedding band--for obvious reasons.  I'll count them as one.

5. What is your favorite color?
Neutral--does that count?  Our whole house is some shade of a neutral color.  If that doesn't count, I'll go with blue--the other dominate color throughout our house.  And I wear a ton of both as well!

6. What is something you have never done but want to do?
Travel to Europe!  O and I have always said we would like to travel somewhere big before we have kids!

7. What is something that people misinterpret about you?
I hope nothing!  I'm a little bit of a control freak, and I know that can come across as bossy or rude--I'm workin' on it ;)

8. What kind of blogs do you enjoy reading?

All kinds!  Home, fashion, food, style--so many!!  Check out the blogs I follow on Bloglovin' to see who I stalk daily ;)  Many of which are below!

9. Do you have any favorite hair or makeup products?
DO I EVER?! I have tons--so many in fact, that I usually list one or two in my weekly Five on Friday posts!  I recently changed all of my skincare products to several different things by philosophy, and I am so happy with everything I use!  I may have to do a separate post on all the wonderful philosophy products I use.

10. What is your workout routine (if you have one)?
Does running up and down the stairs to let the dogs outside count?

11. Do you have any blogging advice for those who are having a hard time getting started?
I started this blog after we moved from Virginia to Kentucky when O started Law School, to keep friends and family up to date on our goings on.  Well, life happened and I wasn't too good about keeping up with the 'ol blog.  But when things started to get a little stressful around here a few months ago, I really needed an outlet & decided to get back into things--which brings me to the "advice."  Do it for you!  Write about things you love & enjoy--not what you think others want to read.  Branch out and participate in link-up--thats how I came to "know" most of these fun ladies below!

I nominate:

Emily Dixie on my Mind
Caitlyn Home Sweet Ruby
Ali Life As I Know It
Erin Searson Shuffle
Ashley Sweet Carolina Bell
Christina The McGuire Family
Sarah This Sarah Loves
Stephanie Newlyweds:North
Makeshift Margaritas
Chelsie How Lovely
Hannah My Delicious Adventure

My questions for y'all:

1. Where do you love to vacation?
2. What is your go-to online shopping site(s)?
3. Cat or Dog?
4. What is one thing that few people know about you?
5. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
6. What is your dream job?
7. Sweet or Salty? 
8. What is your favorite room in your house?
9. Favorite team to follow {college or pro!}
10. What blogs do you enjoy reading?
11. Why did you start blogging?


  1. Thanks for nominating me girl! As I'm reading your answers I keep thinking "wow that sounds like something I'd say!" Neutral is all throughout my house too and I love it that way! Our workout routine sounds pretty similar! ;)

  2. I love the entire If you give a... series! I if you give a moose a muffin is equally funny and cute! I read through all of these answers nodding my head going, yep that's me!! Especially with the neutrals! Now even out pup blends in with the decor! Thanks so much for the nomination!

  3. So glad you participated in this! I loved reading your responses :) You are just too awesome!!! Have a great rest of your week pretty girl.
