
Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

And that fast, it's Monday again.  We had such a great weekend--I was so sorry to see it end!  We were both home Saturday and Sunday, no work, no major plans.  Just free to do whatever we wanted!

We started off Saturday morning by making a trip up to Jungle Jim's--Cincinnati's outrageous International Market.  This place is crazy!  If you live within driving distance of Cincinnati, you HAVE to check this place out.

1500+ types of hot sauce and 1200+ types of beer, O was in heaven!

And then we stumbled upon the wine & World of cheese, and I was in heaven.

Best wine find of the day:

#1, there's a 50 Shades wine?  #2, how did it end up next to Duck Commander wine?  
Seems off, in so many ways...

Sunday was laid back as well!  Church, a little house cleanin', and cooking a big pot of chili!  Recipe to come later in the week!

Linking up and sharing our fun weekend with Sami's Shenanigans!

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. that international market looks so fun! i know my hubs would love going there too!! xx

    1. He so would! I picked up a few new cider's & thought of y'all

  2. Fifty Shades of Grey wine?? Seriously?? That's a little too much for me.
    But I'll take the Duck Dynasty wine any day ;)

    1. I know...I couldn't get over the ridiculousness of it all. But the Duck Commander wine is on my list!

  3. That place DOES sound amazing! I have never heard of anything like it but with that wine selection, if I am ever in the Cinci area you had better believe coming here is on my list!

    Visiting from Sami's Shenanigans!

