
Friday, December 13, 2013

Five on Friday

I seriously can't recover from the flight/snow storm debacle I experienced last weekend.  My whole week is off--how is it already Friday?!  I had planned to share more stocking stuffer and gifting ideas today, but instead I will be sharing a whole lotta randomness.  Much like all the thoughts in my head... So here you go!

{one}  I do not have one single Christmas decoration up inside of my house.  In fact, I still have my fall faux pumpkins out.  Not a stocking or a tree.  Nada.  Go ahead and judge.  We were going to get our tree on Sunday when I was supposed to get home, and clearly that didn't happen.  Whatev--hoping it'll get done this weekend!

{two} While Christmas decorations are lacking, gifting is in full swing around here.  I finally have my list together and some things are even crossed off!  Including our big gift to each other--OUR NEW SOFA!!  We LOVE it!  It is SO nice for both of us {and the dogs...} to be able to spread out and not invade the others space!

{three} Like any crazy decorator, I wasn't thrilled with the stock pillows that came with the sectional.  I've been eyeing these from West Elm.  Which makes me want to also change the kitchen and living room curtains.  You get my drift.  

{four}  I had a bowl of sherbet for dinner last night.  Also, no extra R at the end.  I say sherbert.  It's sherbet.  Weird. 

{five}  No surprise here...y'all know I LOVE philosophy!  This exfoliating lip scrub has been so helpful with the icky, dry, chapped lips!  OVER.THE.WINTER.

Here's to a productive weekend...and hopefully less snow.


  1. ok I say go with the pillows- those are fabulous and so is that couch!! We need to do that for each other so so badly- our couches are so icky. Happy weekend!

    1. I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger with the pillows---I think I'll pop into Home Goods and see if anything strikes me!

  2. I say sherbeRt too! I had no idea that was the wrong way to say it. You better get on the Christmas decor! Only a few days left! I love those West Elm pillows! Have a great weekend!

    1. I didn't either until I heard Martha say it...of course she pronounces it correctly. I'll stick with sherbeRt ;)

  3. LOVE your couch and the cutiepup lounging on it!!! :)

  4. I love your couch! It looks so cozy. :) We are looking at buying new furniture for our living room and are trying to decide between a sectional and sofa/loveseat combo.

    1. We're loving the sectional! It's so nice that we're both able to stretch out and have plenty of room!

  5. That couch looks so comfy!! Those pillows will look great on it, I saw those in the store and really love the colors! So bummed to hear you had a crappy travel day on Monday... I feel totally the same way after my delays.. just couldn't catch up this week! Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend!

    1. You too! I feel like we could use a few extra days of down time after that mess last weekend!

  6. Love the sofa! We have a sectional upstairs and it's the best!!

    1. We're loving it! It's so nice to have the extra space!

  7. love love love the new couch! The color is perfect.
