
Friday, December 20, 2013

Stocking Stuffers {for the fur children}

With Christmas LESS than one week away, I'm wrapping up my shopping {literally.}  And Christmas morning is all about the kids...mine just happen to have fur and walk on all fours ;)  So for this Five on Friday, here are my top pics for my girls!

{one} Both girls are in desperate need of new collars!  I think Izzie would look especially cute in this neutral grey.  To match her silver coat, obvi.

{two} There's not a whole lot of variation in our dogs' diet--we a "no scrap" household.  So a little excitement in the treat department goes a long way! #puppyhalitosis

{three} We go through tennis balls like its our JOB around here.  Shelby will tear one up in days...but they're her favorite!  So a new ball for Shelby-dog it is
{four} Each of the girls will get a new toy in their stocking, that will surely be destroyed before Christmas dinner...

{five} Since they were extra good this year, they'll both be receiving a new set of dishes.  After all, they do need to match once I redecorate the kitchen...

What about y'all?  Do you gift things for your fur children too?!


  1. I love these pup treats!! We are going to shop for ours this weekend.Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!

    Forever Young

  2. This is such a cute post dedicated to [wo]man's best friend :-) I love the new collars and bowls to match the kitchen!
