
Monday, April 21, 2014

Meal Plan Monday

What a busy, fun weekend!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!  We enjoyed time with family, and a little date-day to Keeneland on Saturday.  We didn't cash any big tickets, but it's always fun putting on a pretty sundress & watching the horses.

The weather looks gorgeous all week long, so that means a whole lotta grillin' this week!  I've only planned four weeknight meals, because someone promised me a date night this week ;)

Chicken & Shrimp Kabobs
Grilled Steak Fajitas with Mexican Rice
Grilled Pizza {great instructions here}
Hot Dogs and Sliders with Pasta Salad

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five on Friday!

I've seriously missed linking up with April and the girls for 5 on Friday the last few weeks!  Between weddings and illness and Gone Girl and LIFE, time is just flying by!  Here are some highlights from the last few weeks!

{one}  I'm attempting to get my life back in order & the itsy bitsy Sugar Paper planner I bought at Target back in January just wasn't cutting it.  I need a LOT of space in a planner.  Kacey said she recently purchased the Whitney English Day Designer, and the pics she emailed me were enough to seal the deal.

This thing is impressive, and I'm not gonna lie...a little frightening ;)  Life=Organized.

{two} The last few weeks included a lot of snuggles.  Including lots of time with our sweet puppy--here, tuckered out with her favorite ball {which, btw, is a racquetball...?} How cute is this little face?!

{three} Dare I say, that spring might be here to stay?!  I snagged these cute lace shorts at Loft recently, and can't wait to wear them!

{four} Mad Men is back!  And I'm SO sad its the final season :(  Does anyone else watch?!

{five} Can we talk about how AMAZING my friends are for a second?!  After a rough week, my fav's, Abby & Rebecca, surprised me by dropping off the sweetest care package to cheer me up!  So SO thankful to have them ;)
And after said rough week, this quote on Pinterest was just the little reminder that I needed!

So thankful for a lot of relaxing and down-time with family this Easter weekend.  What are your plans for Easter?!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Outfit Planning

I'm a planner.  I realize that's not "news" to anyone here...  I plan our dinners, I plan out all the home/DIY projects I'd like to accomplish, I plan my blog posts {usually...} AND, I plan my outfits weekly.  A little crazy?  Maybe.  But nothing stresses me out more at 6am in the shower while laying in bed, procrastinating, than the question that plagues us all: "what am I going to wear today?"

I can say with 100% certainty that I am out the door on time in the morning, if not earlier {GASP!} when I have planned my outfit for the day.  It really alleviates the rushing around, clock-checking, and stressing.  Am I the only person that has this problem?!

On Sunday's, my designated day to get stuff done, I check the five-day forecast.  Based, loosely, on what the temps look like, I start to pull things out of the closet & drawers and build a few outfits for the week.  I lay it all out on the guest room bed, make sure I'm not wearing polka-dots two days in a row or too much black {or in this weeks' case, pink...} and then call it done.

I'm VERY fortunate to work for a company that allows us to dress down everyday.  Jeans & flats are a daily standard.  As long as you look "put together" you're A-OK!  There are certain days when the big-wigs are in the office or we have to meet with clients that I have to bust out the black pants & heals, but it's rare.

I'll hang everything back up with necklaces and accessories in a small section in the closet.  In the morning, all I have to do is throw it on.  No thinking.  I refuse to think too hard before finishing my coffee :)

Do you have any tips to make the morning routine more smooth?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Meal Plan Monday

I can finally get back to living life again, since I finished Gone Girl over the weekend!  It really was a good book and I'd definitely recommend reading it, but I'm anxious to see how the movie compares once it's out this fall!

So, with the finishing of the book comes the return of a clean house, folded laundry and healthy dinners.  On the menu for this week:

At Home Chipotle Burrito Bowls
Garlic Pesto Chicken with Pasta in Tomato Cream Sauce {favorite Pesto recipe here}
Homemade White Sauce Pizza, Side Salad

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easter Attire

I remember being a little girl, and going shopping with my mom for a new Easter dress every year.  And then new shoes, hat and more to go along with it.  25+ {ew.} years later, it's still just as much fun. But my indecisive self is having a hard time picking one out this year!  Here are a few I have my eye on

The neckline of this dress is embroidered with pale pink scallops--LOVE!

You can't go wrong with a Lilly, either... {my checking account disagrees}

Rhyme or Ribbon Dress from ModCloth

Any other sites I should take a peek at?  I feel like I need to make a decision, SOON!

Friday, April 4, 2014

{One?} on Friday

I'm so sorry to skip my 5 on Friday this week. I am up to my eyeballs in laundry, dishes, and a filthy house all because I can't put this book down.

Y'all, this book! If you haven't read it, you need to. I started it a while ago & it had a bit of a slow beginning, but it picks up. Fast. 

Now I refuse to do anything but read. Hence the disorganization on the homestead. It's amazing that I even made it to work today...

I'll report back Monday. Happy weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Easter Bunny Inspiration

I'm seeing SO many cute little Easter ideas running around Pinterest, and the Easter section at Target about had me in tears.  I seriously can't wait for the day when we have little one's to make Easter Baskets for & reasons to go all-out on the holiday decor.  Until then, O & the pups will continue to get pretty awesome baskets from the Easter Bunny!

One of my favorite bloggers, Jessica, did this for the hubs last year.  I think I'll def be doing this for O this Easter :)

For the girls?  I'm LOVING these cute Easter-puppy accessories!

Pretty sure Izzie will enjoy a new collar better than the year I made her wear bunny ears....