
Friday, April 4, 2014

{One?} on Friday

I'm so sorry to skip my 5 on Friday this week. I am up to my eyeballs in laundry, dishes, and a filthy house all because I can't put this book down.

Y'all, this book! If you haven't read it, you need to. I started it a while ago & it had a bit of a slow beginning, but it picks up. Fast. 

Now I refuse to do anything but read. Hence the disorganization on the homestead. It's amazing that I even made it to work today...

I'll report back Monday. Happy weekend!!!


  1. I love that you're so caught up in a book that everything else kind of fades into the background. Must be a great book!

  2. I haven't read that book yet, I have heard a lot about it though! I know what you mean about not doing anything else though because all you are doing is reading. I have done that more times than I can count. woops. I just can't help it. If the book is that good.... you just have to read it!

  3. I have read that book! It IS a good read.. has an interesting ending to it though! ;)

  4. I'm currently reading it too!

  5. It is a great book! I hope you enjoy the ending :)

  6. ah! I'm always down for a good book! Right now I'm readin Mrs. Poe and I'm totally loving it! :) You should read that one, too, if you haven't yet. I'll definitely have to pick up this one!

  7. I love when a book just sucks you in and you don't want to put it down! It was a good book.

  8. This has been on my list for a year now! I really need to make it a priority soon. I love it when a book sucks you in.

  9. I finally got to this book a few months ago and it was SO good! It's so hard to find a good page-turner these days. Will have to hear your thoughts on the ending!

  10. I need to buckle down and read this book. It's been sitting on my shelf for like 2 years...
    Good to know that it's a good read!
