
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Anniversary Recap & Misc. Summer {Five on...Saturday?}

So glad to see another weekend roll around!  A little late linking up my Friday Five with April and the girls, but better late than never!

{one} We had a wonderful, low key anniversary!  We try to follow the traditional anniversary gifts by year, with a creative twist.  O did quite well the leather gift this year, giving me this beautiful leather Pandora bracelet!

I got him a new fishing rod...we'll pretend that has some leather on it somewhere ;)

{two} The anniversary festivities continued last night at our favorite Japanese Steakhouse!  We've accidentally made it a tradition to go there & celebrate each year.  We did it the first two, may as well keep it up.  I ate my weight in Yum Yum Sauce, flying Shrimp & Onion Volcanoes.

Let's talk about summer...first, two good things:

{three} Freshly painted Coral toes.  I'll most likely have this on my toe nails all summer long.

{four} Bare legs.  Which, if you're me, isn't always a good thing.  But I secretly started using O's Shave Butter from The Dollar Shave club, and I'll never use anything else.  Guess the secret's out ;)

AND, a bad summer moment from the week:

{five}  I'm COVERED in mosquito bites!  Arms, elbow, thigh, foot.  You name it, I've got a bite.  And they've sticking around even a week later.  Any ideas on how to make these disappear...AND, stop itching?!

Enjoy the weekend, friends!


  1. The Anniversary tradition is such a cute idea.

  2. I have that Essie color! I love it, perfect for summer. And I keep seeing things on Facebook about the Dollar Shave Club...what exactly is it??
