
Friday, May 23, 2014

Five on Friday

First, thank you to everyone who commented and emailed with kind words after my post yesterday :)  It's amazing the connections blogging will bring you, and more support from friends you've never actually met in person--y'all are the best!

NOW, let's talk about this three day weekend!  I am SO glad to have a few relaxing days off!  Linking up my low key weekend plans with April & the girls!

We might stroll downtown for the Taste of Cincinnati.

I plan to spend a lot of time on the deck, enjoying the gorgeous weather, and ONLY using our grill.  On the menu?  Grilled Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

We're definitely getting a haircut for this fur ball, #baddogmom

Tackling a few DIY projects that have been lingering on my to-do list for far too long & doing a little belated spring cleaning.  I think this list should cover it...anything I should add?

And I may have promised to do a little fishing with the hubs....rewind to 2009, when I caught this big guy.
He might go alone...

I hope y'all have a wonderful LONG weekend!


  1. Ha ha your "giant fish" made me laugh! Hope you have better luck this weekend!

  2. Did you end up going fishing?? hahaha hey, at least you've actually caught something! Me on the other hand.....

    Hope your weekend was lovely :)
