
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pineapple Craze

It must be true what they say about your taste buds changing every seven years..."they" do say that, right?  I've never been much of a pineapple girl {except when it's blended into a Pina Colada...} but I recently gave it another try and I CAN'T.GET.ENOUGH.

If you follow me on Instagram {@amparsons29}, you saw that I was having one heck of a time chopping that sucker up over the weekend.  I eventually got it all cut up...  I've been eating it diced up as a snack & even grilled.  But my latest pineapple obsession?  In the form of creamy Sorbet.

With the extra day this weekend & the amazing summer weather, I decided to dust off {literally...} the ice cream maker and turn my new favorite fruit into a healthy {??} dessert!

Pineapple Sorbet

2 cups fresh chunked pineapple
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup pineapple juice {or water, orange juice--any liquid!}

Put all ingredients in the blender or food processor, and blend until smooth.
Pour into ice cream maker* and blend for 7-12 minutes.  Pour into a freezer safe container &

The first time I made it, I attempted to make it a little healthier by using two tablespoons of honey in place of the simple syrup.  It was good, but there was a very noticeable honey after taste.  Which wasn't bad, but I was going for full on pineapple flavor.  The second try recipe, above, was the winner for me!

*We have the KitchenAid Ice Cream Attachment that fits our mixer & I LOVE it!  


  1. YUM! I love pineapple, so this sorbet looks perfect! And I need a KitchenAid mixer, for sure.

  2. Oh my gosh, this sounds so delicious. LOVE anything I'll be making this asap.

  3. Yum!!! I will have to try that!

  4. That's so flippin' funny because I'm in the same boat! I CANNOT get enough pineapple. I wonder if it's a hormone thing haha I'll have to try this...looks amazing!!
