
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Three Year Houseaversary

Three years ago today, on Friday the Thirteenth, we were sixteen days from getting married and full of SO much excitement as we closed on our first home.  On that day, I had no idea all our house would "see."

This little house has been through a lot with us these last three years.  We moved in engaged and returned as husband & wife.

Not only has our little house endured countless cosmetic updates, but has survived my many DIY and Pinterest fails.

It housed us for two-thirds of O's Law School career, which we surely wouldn't have lived through in our tiny apartment.  It's seen me through job changes and tears over things that are out of my control.

This was Izzie's first yard, and Shelby's only home.

We've spent summer nights grilling out on the deck, drinking and laughing uncontrollably with amazing friends.

All of these things have made our little house a home.  Here's to many more years in our little ranch, filled with even more happiness, if that's even possible.


  1. So sweet. First homes are the best!

  2. Happy houseaversary girl! I am so looking forward to being in a home again.

  3. Such a sweet post friend! I remember that Friday the 13th three years ago - that is the day I graduated from law school! Happy houseaversary to y'all!

  4. Such a sweet post friend! I remember that Friday the 13th three years ago - that was the day I graduated from law school! Happy houseaversary to y'all!
