
Friday, September 27, 2013

Five on Friday!

Oh heyyyy, Friday!  I'm excited to link up with  DarciNatashaChristina and April again this week--I really look forward to sharing my favorites each week, and reading yours!  So here you go:

{one}  My momma is here visiting this weekend!  She flew in last night & I'm SO GLAD to have her here!!  Living so far apart for the last few years hasn't been easy, so we make the most of our time together!  A lot of shopping, eating {and a little wine} is in the works

{two}  Grey's is back!  Yesssss, I still watch it.  I'll admit, it's not as good as it once was.  I just feel like I need to know what happens.  So I keep watching.  Did anyone else watch?!

{three}  I know I run the risk of sounding like a lush after the wine comment, but I LOVE Angry Orchard Hard Cider!  I first had it at last year's Oktoberfest, and was glad to see that it was back this year too.  It's definitely the best hard cider I've had.  Screams fall.  Best enjoyed while watching your football team win ;)

{four} This one shouldn't come as a surprise, especially after my product hoarding confession on Monday.  But there's nothing like a new shampoo!  When I got my haircut two weeks ago, my stylist used this Bed Head Shampoo, and  Saying that it smells good doesn't do it any justice.  It smells RIDICULOUSLY good.  Like I-can't-stop-smelling-my-own-hair good {weird? maybe.}

I use it a few times a week, alternating with my regular shampoo, to keep my hair hydrated from all the heat abuse it takes.

{five} This new wax tart warmer I bought at Target!  With two dogs in the house, I'm obsessed with making sure our house smells good and not like a dog.  I run through candles like its my J.O.B. so we'll see if this is a good alternative.  So far I LOVE it!

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Hi there, linking up through the Five On Friday. I hope you have a great visit with your mom. Sounds like fun going shopping. I love the wax warmer, not only do I bet it smells nice but it looks pretty.

    1. Thanks so much! We're having a great time so far :)

  2. Hooray, someone else who watches Grey's! I was a sobbing mess with the fire chief, but overall a good season premiere. I think they should have ended it two years ago, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching! Might have to stop by Target for that warmer... Now if they only made someone to make my couch smell less like dog, I'd be a happy momma. I can only wash the covers so often before going crazy! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I thought it was pretty good last night! I hope they call it quits on the show before it gets too bad!

  3. LOVE that wax warmer! I need to pick one up asap. And I totally missed Grey's...good thing my DVR didn't forget about it!

    1. I thought Grey's was pretty good! I'm LOVING the wax warmer

  4. I wrote about Grey's today too! I haven't watched it yet, but I have it on my DVR ready! I heard it did not disappoint!

  5. Hard ciders are my go-to at a bar that I feel weird drinking wine. Have you tried Crispin? It's not as many places but I think it's even more delicious than Angry Orchard!

    1. I have not tried Crispin--I'll have to look for it next time we're out--thanks for the top!

  6. I love cider and Angry Orchard is so good! I keep my warmer on all the time, and am starting to wonder if the wax eventually loses its scent? I'll be honest, I didn't even know Grey's was still on!! I stopped watching it years ago! Have a good weekend!

    1. I'm not too sure about the wax losing its scent--I've only tried the Clean Linen so far, but plan to switch it up. I feel like I usually become immune to the plug-in smells quickly--hoping this will be the winner!

  7. Oh I need to try that tart warmer...I'm intrigued! And yes, we might be the last two people watching Grey's. It's terrible now, but I can't stop watching. It's my Thursday night routine!

    1. I love it so far! I thought Grey's was good...NOW, when Scandal returns next week, my Thursday routine will be complete!!

  8. So many companies are making ciders now! My man is a huge craft beer fan, so its awesome they all have something I like too now! :)

  9. I feel you on not wanting your house to smell like dog. When I had a dog, I used to leave him outside during the day and when he's come in at night he'd smell up our apartment from having sweated and rolled around outside. I definitely invested in candles and wax tarts. Visiting from the hop!

    1. Thanks for visiting :) So far the wax tarts are working GREAT!

  10. I just "found" your super cute blog via 5 on Friday and I just love it!

    1. Awww, thanks so much! I'd love for you to follow along with all of our craziness :)

  11. hey girlie!! found you on the linkup! (my first one was today!!) so happy to follow your blog!! :)

    okay - so pumped to find another american girl who is digging cider! my hubs is english, and they have AMAZINGGG flavors over there. i'm always perplexed as to why it never really caught on over here. sooo good. people are missing out!! ;)

    1. Welcome! This link up is my favorite--so much fun & you meet tons of awesome bloggers! And you're right about the cider--so glad its catching on!

  12. Visiting from the Five on Friday linkup! The tart warmer is so pretty and the hard cider definitely sounds good! I've always wondered about that shampoo but wasn't sure about the name! I guess you can't judge a book by its cover! :) Happy Friday!

    1. The shampoo is out of this world! I'll def. be getting the conditioner as soon as I'm in need!

  13. Found you through the link-up and this is just adorable! I burn through candles at a rapid rate and I only have ONE dog. I want another, but that's for some other time. hehe Glad to have stumbled over here! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Stacie! I always end up with five+ jars of half used candles laying around. The wax tarts are taking up less room than candle jars, so I think this will work out great!

  14. I used to be obsessed with Grey's but for the past few seasons I could really take it or leave it. I'm constantly burning either a candle or scented wax in our house, too, because no matter how often we bathe our dog, it always smells like him! haha

    1. If only our dogs smelled like Febreeze or Clean Linen candles, we'd be all set :)

  15. Just wanted to say hello! New follower here! love your blog! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Angry Orchard Hard Cidar! takes all my worries away! Have a great weekend with your mom!

    1. Thanks so much!! I may need an Angry Orchard after the day I've had. Ha!
