
Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday

Has this been the longest week ever, or what?!  Ugh.  SOOO glad to see Friday here once again.  Linking up with April and the girls for my favorite post of the week!

{one} The weather was all over the place this week.  One day I'm on the deck, having a beer & enjoying the 70 degree weather.  The next day--literally, the next day--it was snowing.  I don't get it.

{two} If you follow me on Pinterest, you know I've been pinning a lot of doors.  I've been wanting to paint our front door for a while, but I finally decided to make this my weekend project.  I'm having a hard time deciding if I want to stay neutral or go bold.  Thoughts?!

{three} We popped into a new shop close to our house called Fom Vass--they carry oils, vinegars, wine and more!  When you walk in, it's wall-to-wall jar's FULL of exotic and interesting stuff!  We had so much fun taste testing different oils & vinegars!  I had no idea how many were out there.  We came home with an amazing light citrusy balsamic vinegar.  Perfect for summer salads!

{four}  I'm still on my mint/seafoam/sea glass kick.  Proof?  I bought these this week.
PS: THE most comfortable flats I've ever put on my feet.

{five}  I'm definitely looking forward to one of these on Monday...although it may not be green.  Do you have any fun St. Patty's Day plans?!?

Happy Weekend, friends!


  1. I've been loving all of your door pins :) I say go bold! That oil and vinegar store looks AMAZING. Surely there is something similar in Dallas? I've got to find one!

  2. I love the bold door, personally! And I want those flats...they are too cute!!!

  3. Go bold with the door! Bold doors look so great because so few people go with that option.

  4. How fun to try so many oils, what a neat concept for a store! I would love to go to a place like that! :) xoxo

  5. Those flats are so cute! I'm not surprised when I clicked on the link and saw that they were from LOFT. I might have to buy me a pair ;)

    Have a great weekend girl!

  6. I love a bold door, red being my favorite. The oil and vinegar store sounds amazing!

  7. go bold, girl! I love bold doors on pinterest!

  8. I've heard of these oil bars...interesting! I guess for the ppl that love to cook, this would be great! Love a painted front door! Can't wait to see what you decide to do! Happy Weekend!

  9. Our weather has been all over the place too - craziness!

    And that oil bar is so interesting and sounds like it was fun! :)

  10. Looks like we are twinsies again- I picked up the same flats at Loft in snakeskin. They are the most comfortable shoes!
